Animal Tests, beagles in HLS inhalation toxicity tests. Kinship Circle
Animal cruelty at HLS Beagle Unit lab. Kinship Circle
Animal tests: Vomit, tremors, lifeless in HLS. Kinship Circle
HLS Animal Tests, Animals barely anesthetized before surgeries. Kinship Circle
HLS Animal Tests, Overdosed, slapped, bled, killed. Kinship Circle
HLS Animal Research, Techs grab dogs by scruffs, swing and slap them. Kinship Circle

Violence, Not Science

In HLS investigations dogs vomit, drool, stagger, seize, collapse
The SHAC 7 are arrested under AETA for essentially legal activism
Lauren Gazzola is free after 52 months of wrongful imprisonment

Huntingdon Life Sciences Is Exposed For Sadistic Animal Cruelty, Again. Two HLS employees from the Beagle Unit leave their jobs distressed over animal suffering seen daily for 12 months. According to tape-recorded testimonial, animals are overdosed on test drugs. Dogs stagger, hyper-salivate, vomit, seize and die in cages. Dogs are not fully anesthetized before excruciating extraction of bone marrow from the chest bone, along with other invasive procedures. One employee recalls daily contests to see who draws the most blood before a break. Careless workers transfer blood into the wrong tubes.

One license holder would go in and out about five times with the same needle, not hitting the vein. I saw co-workers grab dogs by the scruff, shout and swear at them, swing and slap them. Once a dog had a needle in its neck you had exactly two minutes for blood to be taken and then take that dog back to get the next dog and bleed that one. Necks would be very bruised and swollen and they would still go in and take the blood. HLS Animal Tech, Beagle Unit

Coldblooded Cruelty » Inside The HLS Beagle Unit. “If you'd forgotten to write a time you were told to make one up. This is falsifying data… I saw blood taken from a dog and put in the wrong blood tube. It was then poured into the right tube without being washed. A new tube should have been used… Untrue readings, license holder incompetence. Nothing ever noted, no-one else told… Some dogs were put to sleep, and [a worker] had missed taking blood from them. The team leader ran down and took blood from a dog once dead. That blood is not a true blood sample.”

Time To Die » Killing Dogs. “When a study came to the end everyone seemed happy… There was a kill sheet so you knew which order to take the dogs down in… Every study that I took the dogs down on had to have bone marrow taken. The dog wasn't to be dead, but nearly there. The dog was laid on its back and the bone marrow taken from the chest bone. Two team leaders hadn't given the dog enough anaesthetic and it whimpered and moved. They didn't give more anaesthetic. We had to hold the needle in place so they could inject the rest when the bone marrow was done… One particular team leader didn't clean up the blood between dogs and when the next one was taken in they could smell the blood and anaesthetic and it would panic them. I was always told not to cry, they were doing their job, the dogs bred for a purpose and now they'd done their part and they had to go.”

Someone from necropsy was boasting about cutting the head open and sawing through the bone to get to the brain and how the smell of blood made them hungry.

Welcome to Huntingdon Life Sciences, where an average 500 animals are killed daily to test GMOs, pesticides, fertilizers, household goods, drugs, diet pills, additives, sweeteners… The lab has incurred: U.S. Animal Welfare Act violations, arrest of personnel on cruelty charges, more than 600 infringements of Good Laboratory Practice Laws in England, and payoffs to the U.S. Agriculture Department for fraudulent records and animal welfare offenses. Investigations from 1997 through 2012 establish egregious animal abuse as the the “daily normal” at HLS. Huntingdon confines dogs, cats, monkeys, birds, rabbits, mice, pigs… Routine violence includes the scene of a lab tech punching a beagle puppy, filmed by UK Channel 4 TV. Inept techs kill dogs by flooding their lungs with toxins meant for their stomachs. A convulsing monkey's chest is cut open in a supposedly post-mortem dissection. Dogs are insufficiently anesthetized before painful bone marrow extraction. Monkeys, strapped in restraint chairs, are so terrified some suffer rectal prolapse. During forced inhalation tests, monkeys die in agony from collapsed or obstructed lungs…

Where Is Huntingdon Life Sciences Today? Absorbed into a power nexus so thick, one is hard-pressed to find them. A HLS Map Quest lands upon the old site at 100 Mettlers Rd; Somerset, NJ 08873; 732-873-0063. A website URL for detours to Inotiv. For now the story ends with Inotiv — a consortium of animal research “products and services.”

2015 › Harlan Laboratories and Huntingdon Life Sciences merge to create Envigo. In an earlier merger, HLS renamed itself Life Sciences Research Inc. On 9/21/15 Envigo Opens Its Doors For Business, under the newly consolidated Huntingdon Life Sciences and Harlan Labs, with subsidiaries GFA, NDA Analytics and LSR associates. Brian Cass, then HLS CEO and one-time target of SHAC-UK/US before government suppression lands animal rights protesters in jail, says: “We are delighted to officially re-brand as Envigo.” In 2015, Envigo has 3,800 animal-research employees with sales at nearly $500M.

2021 › Inotiv acquires Envigo, and along with it, Huntingdon Life Sciences. Headquartered in West Lafayette, IN, Inotiv is a CRO (Contract Research Organization) that breeds/sells animals to labs and conducts experiments for the pharma, biotech, government and academic sectors. Since formed in 2018, Inotiv has faced ongoing probes related to animal mistreatment. We're fairly certain of two projections: Inotiv shows reckless disregard for animals as it seeks dominance across the bioresearch industry. Huntingdon Life Sciences still torments animals for non-predictive, misleading research that can be replaced with human-focused tools relevant to people.

2023 › Inotiv is interrogated for illegal import of Asian monkeys. U.S. prosecutors charge employees of an Inotiv supplier with criminal “conspiracy and smuggling of endangered long-tailed macaques from Cambodia” into the U.S., as reported in The Wall Street Journal and other media outlets. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission gathers evidence to assess whether Inotiv and its subsidiaries violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Long-tailed macaques are an endangered species under international treaty protection. To compensate for its lack of breeding monkeys, the Inotiv supplier reportedly paid Cambodian officials to issue counterfeit permits that classify wild-caught monkeys as captive-bred. Prosecutors in Florida say that co-conspirators illegally purchased macaques via black-market sources from Dec 2017 to Jan 2022, with 2023 litigation still pending in 2024.

2024 › Envigo is barred from breeding or selling dogs. Parent company Inotiv on watch after big payouts. 6/3/24: Inotiv pays over $35 million in penalties for Animal Welfare Act and Clean Water Act infractions, the highest fine ever accrued in an animal welfare case. The deal and guilty plea in U.S. Federal Court for the Western District of Virginia bring resolution to a May 2022 Justice Department probe of Envigo RMS's Cumberland, VA compound. At the time, officers armed with a criminal search warrant raided Envigo — once a top breeder of beagles for research that merged with HLS in 2015 — and seized 4,000 dogs from abuse and squalor. In 2024, Envigo pleads guilty to willfully conspiring to violate the Animal Welfare Act. The DOJ lawsuit asserts heinous violations. USDA inspectors uncover deficient veterinary care, incompetent staffing, and failure to comply with AWA rules for how to handle, shelter, feed, hydrate and hygienize animals. Violations recorded over the multiyear inquest include:

  • Dogs with treatable injuries and ailments are instead destroyed.
  • Envigo kills dogs without anesthesia, some by a poison-loaded injection directly into the heart. Heart stick euthanasia is so cruel, many want to see it outlawed.
  • Envigo neglects to record how or why hundreds of puppies die.
  • Mothers nursing their pups are underfed or starved.
  • Over 500 puppies and adults housed in a building without air conditioning suffer “discomfort, lethargy or stress” in temps above 85 degrees.
  • Food defiled by maggots, mold and feces is fed to dogs.
  • Kennels are overfull, with little space to move. Dogs are wounded, their paws trapped in metal-slat floors.
  • Envigo declines to fire veterinarian “AV” amid ongoing staff complaints about reckless handling, such as botched surgeries on five dogs (Reuters).

As of this writing, Envigo's formal sentencing is set for 10/7/24. Corporate parent Inotiv consents to pay $3 million to humane groups, such as Humane Society of the U.S. ($1.9 million) that assist on site and help re-home dogs via shelters across nearly 30 states. Another $3.5 million is paid to compensate for canine waste contamination in Cumberland waterways. Inotiv must also invest $7 million to align its subpar facilities with federal animal welfare law. Read more about the case that takes down Envigo and surveils Inotiv. With Huntingdon Life Sciences deeply embedded inside Inotiv's growing portfolio, there is scant trace of the corrupt lab online. But animal advocates will find them again. They always do.

Huntingdon Life Sciences


Huntingdon Life Sciences


Huntingdon Life Sciences


Caught: On Camera, Testimony, Record. Profound animal abuse is exposed in multiple investigations that span more than a decade. Huntingdon Life Sciences is a global giant in animal research, with labs in England and New Jersey, USA. About 180,000 animals are annually poisoned, killed and dissected to test GMOs, pesticides, fertilizers, household goods, drugs, diet pills, additives, sweeteners… Dogs, cats, monkeys, rabbits, pigs, mice and more animals are overdosed via nasal-gastric tube, inhalation and injection. Relentlessly needle-jabbed and surgically maimed, some 500 animals die each day. HLS is cited for: U.S. Animal Welfare Act violations, arrest of personnel on cruelty charges, more than 600 infringements of Good Laboratory Practice Laws in England, and payoffs to the U.S. Agriculture Dept. for fraudulent records and animal welfare offenses. Since 1997, leaked internal documents, staff affidavits and undercover film show pathological cruelty.

Bad Science. In recent decades, biotechnology has evolved with breakthroughs in species-focused cellular, genomic and computational tools. These human-focused experiments mean researchers don't need to extrapolate info from animals to people. The science is more predictive, rather than assumptive. To call animal-free research an alternative implies that animal experiments are the gold standard. In fact, human-based science is more expedient and replicable, with data related to human conditions. Conversely, data from animals artificially induced with human disease and injury is deceptive. Labs like HLS systemically inflict pain for tests “only reliable 5-25% of the time,” as one HLS record contends.

At Huntingdon Life Sciences animals vomit, drool, seize, collapse

1997HLS Beagle Unit. Zoe Broughton works covertly in the HLS Beagle Unit for Countryside Undercover, a UK Channel Four TV series. She sees listless dogs in cement cages and Home Office Inspectors who fail to check animals while on site. Dogs injected with a liver-scan chemical (already approved for human use) grow sick, with swollen and movement-impaired legs. If they squirm during painful blood draws, workers become angry and impatient: “A worker swung a puppy by the scruff of her neck, swore, shouted and continually punched her as she screamed.” The beagle punching incident is caught on camera, infamous footage that sparks a movement to shut down HLS.

This dog was killed at Huntingdon Life Sciences

1997-2001Diary Of Despair. Michelle Rokke records ruthless abuse while undercover for PETA at Huntingdon Life Sciences. Animals vomit, drool, stagger, seize, collapse. Techs kill dogs by flooding their lungs with toxins meant for their stomachs. During a supposedly post-mortem exam, a tech cuts open the chest of a convulsing monkey. In another necropsy, “a vivisector knifes into a [presumed dead] Beagle. The dog throws his head back. His last howls occur as leg muscles are severed.” Techs joke over a restrained monkey, “I'm sure the sponsor will love that.” Another says “Bring up their heartbeats a little bit more” as a third blurts, “You can wipe your ass on that data.”

Maimed cat in Japan lab, for Huntingdon Life Sciences animal tests

2000Drunk Science. Records from HLS Eye Research Centre in Suffolk, UK reveal that staff consume alcohol and drugs at work. A worker jokingly recounts an escaped baboon's dash across a busy thoroughfare. A male marmoset is killed after his leg is irreversibly fractured in the “gangcage.” The margin of error is wide when animal testers are inebriated.

HLS xenotransplant tests stitch pig hearts to the necks of monkeys

2000 – 2003Horror Show. Internal documents leaked to Uncaged Campaigns disclose grossly incompetent HLS xenotransplantation tests. Genetically engineered organs are harvested in pigs. Their hearts are extracted to stitch to the necks of hundreds of monkeys. Primates suffer diarrhea, vomiting, oozing wounds, seizures. They're seen “screaming, reluctant to move, salivating, huddled with severe tremors on torso and head, collapsing, labored breathing.” After death from mass organ rejection and hemorrhage, sponsor Novartis cancels the invalid tests and files an injunction to ban public knowledge (later overturned).

For inhalation tests, animals are poisoned through facial masks

2004Forced Inhalation. SHAC-UK acquires covert test data about HCFC 22 Cardiac Sensitization on Beagles and HCFC 32 Inhalation Toxicology on mice. The ghastly tests, conducted for HLS clients in Japan, pump CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons are globally banned or in phase-out for ozone depletion and greenhouse warming) through airtight funnel masks worn over an animal's face. “Dog 1179: severe head tremors, whole body shaking. Dog 1187: drooping head supported by sling, slow breathing, staggering, semi-consciousness. 1183: shaking head, unconsciousness. 1173: hind limbs splayed, unresponsiveness…”

HLS Beagle Unit workers whistleblow about daily animal torture

2005HLS Whistleblowers. Two HLS Beagle Unit workers leave their jobs distressed over suffering observed for 12 months. In recorded affidavits they describe: Overdosed animals kept secret by staff; dogs scarcely anesthetized for painful bone marrow extraction from the chest bone; needle jab contests; blood transferred into the wrong tubes; nothing noted, no one told. A coworker “would go in and out five times with the same needle, not hitting a vein. I saw others grab dogs by the scruff, shout and swear, swing them and slap them… If you forgot to write a time you were told to make one up. This is falsifying data.”

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all hurt by greed, cruelty and hate.

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all
hurt by greed, cruelty, hate.

Disaster aid for animals  +  action for all
hurt by greed, cruelty, hate.

ST. LOUIS MO 63130

TAX-DEDUCT ID20-5869532


In kinship, not dominion, each individual is seen. We do not use the rhetoric of slavery. To define animals as unique beings Guardian, Caregive, Him/Her/They… replace Owner, Own, It… Until moral equity and justice serve all — no one is free.